CAO 2021

5th CAO Results

Congratulations to all participants of the 5th Canadian Astronomical Olympiad!



Participant nameSchool Problems    ResultsRank
Provinces6 points6 points6 points6 points6 points10 pointsΣ (40 max)
Adrian TangUniversity of Toronto Schools, 11, ON56000011 
Brayden ZhangUniversity of Toronto Schools, 10, ON65.5460021.53
Daniel YangUniversity of Toronto Schools. 11, ON664.565.59.837.81
Emma YaoUniversity Hill Secondary School, 10, BC451.561320.53
Eric DuBayview Secondary School, 11, ON540547253
Hector ChenM. Garneau Collegiate Institute, 10, ON664669.637.61
Jerry CaoAbbey Park High School, 11, ON644.566733.52
Joey ZouWoodlands Secondary School, 11, ON664.5668.236.71
Peter Xu5.5223.518.822.8Out of offset
Rena LiuM. Garneau Collegiate Institute, 11, ON5.50264522.53
Saadurya PathipanEarl of March Secondary School, 11, ON664.560830.52
Simon WuWoodlands Secondary School, 10, ON664.5549.234.72
Stanley LiuSt. Theresa of Lisieux CHS, in Grade 11.565637322
Sunny Yang Unionville HS,11, ON465467.332.32
Victor GaoBayview Secondary School, 11, ON665669.938.91, Best result
Zander Li Laurelwood Public School, 8, ON56500016 
Zhaohan SunHillfield Strathallan College, 12, ON22030411 
Zhaoyan SunHillfield Strathallan College, 11, ON31.520-10413.5